Country: Egypt
Language: Arabic
Book title: Muslim
Scientists: Al Waleed Ibn Rushd
Author: Muhammad Othman
Year of publication:
1999 Dar al Reduan
Image: Scanned copy from book cover
Al Waleed Ibn Rushed is
one of the most brilliant Muslim scientists in history. One of the great minds
of his time, he always searched for the truth. Throughout his life the empire
of Islam was at its height and Cordoba his birthplace was one of the leading
centers for global scientific thought. He argued for the freedom of thought and
expression as long as it was not harmful or damaging to society. Ibn Rushed was
ahead of his time as he called for women to be active participants in society
in both an economic and intellectual sense. He was a senior judge in Spain
before being appointed as the head of all judges. He lived for seventy-five
years and passed away in 1201. Many of his works were later translated into different
languages, specifically Latin and Hebrew. His books played an important role in
fueling the European scientific revolution. One of the central figures of the
protestant revolution -Martin Luther, was influenced by Ibn Rushed. Many of Ibn
Rushd's works are still being researched today.
The Writer, Muhammad Othman
was born in 1964 and is a professor of
philosophy, religion and contemporary philosophy in the University of Cairo. Muhammad is an Egyptian Arab thinker and an encyclopedia of
knowledge; he has researched into both Islamic heritage and Foreign thought. Muhammad
published his book" Al Waleed Ibn Ahmed Ibn Rushed) in 1999 via Al Radwan
publishing house.
The title page of this book reminds me a math book called Baldor. I like the Arabs books.
it seems to be interesting! I like this kinds of story.
I like your book. I am interesting kinda history, so where will I find it?^______^
It is an interesting book
It is an interesting book
This book looks interesting. I like to read about different cultures.
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