Sunday, April 26, 2015

Lazarillo de Tormes

Name: Miguel Herrera

Title: Lazarillo de Tormes (Clasicos para Ninos/Classics for Children)
Country: Mexico
Language: Spanish
Author: Anonimo
Publishing Year: 2010 (Publisher: Selector)

This work is one that relates the Lazarillo de Tormes' life. It is a picaresque novel classified as exemplar, although previously it's classified as a work of imagination. This book talks about one boy who lives many situations in his life. In short, you will read about each event during Lazaro’s life
Lazarus, who passes from being a naive and innocent child without knowledge of life, to become the paradigm of "rogue" young boy who must defend himself in life to eat every day. A constant reference in this treaty will be the "hunger" Lazarus devoted all his efforts to deceive the blind, a man of great cunning, to get some food or wine each day. At the conclusion of the treaty, Lazarus come from all the beatings to which subjected him cheating on his blind master and leaving him to his fate.
This is a miserable man, who refuses to properly feed your servant, and save the few foods that are in your home locked in a chest. Lazarus, once again gripped by famine and emaciated, must sharpen his cunning to the maximum to gain a crust of bread to the mouth. Finally, I learned cleric boy deception and theft, decided to dispense with his services.

The Squire is a noble low level rundown, living in abject poverty but, still insists on maintaining a false image of tranquility, respectability and wealth. Lazaro not understand the pretensions of grandeur of his master, but takes pity on him and feeds many times. Hounded by creditors, Esquire flees the city, so this time is the master who abandons the servant.
Lazarus talks about his new master, a friar of the Merced no friend of the obligations of a religious and passed on from one place to another taking "certain businesses" whose nature is never clear. In addition, the treaty ends by saying: "For these and other things that do not count, I left my master." The ending leaves all possibilities open: what are these "little things" by Lazarus decided to leave the fray?

The Pardoner was a priest who used to tour the parishes selling bulls, papal indulgences that allowed those who bought did not have to meet certain religious precepts (like fasting, abstaining from meat during Lent, etc.). Lazarus describes the dirty tricks used by the priest to sell their bulls, without any true religious feeling and for the sole purpose of getting good returns.
Again, the master of Lazarus is a religious. In this case, the chaplain allows Lazaro work as aguador the city. Once the boy has gotten profits and could change their clothes, Lazarus decides to quit and find a new love.

After working with a sheriff (police) job that seemed too dangerous, Lazarus is at the service of an archpriest, who suggests that marries one of his servants. They have the gossips in town that actually desire the archpriest was giving an air of decency to his relationship with the wife of Lazarus, who was actually his mistress.
Lazarus, who knows the rumors, prefer to deaf ears have reached the "happiness" and some popularity in the city, yes, in exchange for giving up its honor and allow his wife's infidelities.

This novel can show us about a guy’s life who doesn’t have nobody in his life, so he has to look for someone who can help him to survive. It’s a sad novel but at the same time it can show us how hard life can be, even if you are working and getting money, or working just to get something to eat.


Unknown said...

It seems interesting! Where can I find this book Miguel?

Unknown said...

you're summarize that is really good. also this book is very interested too. I love it^^
From: viengaseuth(vida)

Unknown said...

it is an interesting book!!!

Jennie Yelena

Unknown said...

This book looks interestng!!!

Unknown said...

This book looks interestng!!!

Audiolibros en castellano said...

Hi, I recorded some audiobooks, between them, Lazarillo de Tormes. That's is in Spanish language, so I'm not sure about it will be useful for you.

In any case, you can listen here (and others):

Thanks for your interest in Spanish Literature.

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